As of yesterday, I have only seven weeks to go until I get married. I'm
supposed to be really excited but when I woke up yesterday morning, I
was really annoyed. Why? Because we still didn't have a photographer or
a limo company lined up and everything I've read from The Knot (wedding
mag), other guides to wedding planning, and various sources online;
said we needed to have done these things a few months ago.
There are two things working in our favor. Our ceremony is in the morning;
most photographers and limos get requested for afternoons and evenings.
We're not getting hitched during "high season" (May-September). After
expressing my angst about the situation, the fiance scored us a limo
reservation and we are going to interview a photographer tomorrow.
Shoot, I just got around to ordering this cake on Friday. Yellow and chocolate marble cake with standard issue buttercreme icing.
Early in the engagement before I went into Anti-Bride mode (translation: not wanting to do a damned thing wedding related), I actually considered getting a cake desinger. But I only eat cake twice a year, so how important is it to have a cake look like a castle or a stack of Tiffany's gift boxes? Seeing as I waited until almost the last minute to get one, its not very important at all.
I just got the shoes last weekend. Mom had an alloted budget of $100-$200. They were $29.99 marked down from $49.99 at a store called The Shoe Dept. Woo Hoo!