Thursday, February 15, 2007

You're Weak, Pendejo

I thought I told you that we won't stop, I thought I told you that we won't stop...

Must have been the motto for Detroit Public Schools back in the day because they wouldn't close for anything. When kids in the burbs were getting a snow day, we were getting our boots on. I'd watch the news as the names of the lucky scrolled across the screen and DPS was rarely among them. They have gotten soft. Nowadays, school is closing if we got a bunch of snow like we did this week. Mind you, we didn't get clobbered upstate New York style. We just have regular ol' pain in the butt to drive in snow. Temperature below zero? Close the school. Now, I understand if your heating system failed. I'm talking "its too cold to send the kids out there", closings. Suck it up. The world is a cold hard place, so they might as well learn that now. Sometimes you gotta do things you don't like. That's life. Bundle up and go to class. I did.

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